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Based on the Marked Ad hoc Network Hybrid Routing Protocols(PDF)


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Based on the Marked Ad hoc Network Hybrid Routing Protocols
Ma YongcaiSong RushunLou Yanqiang
School of Mathematical Sciences,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
mob ile ad ho c netwo rk (MANET) geog raph ic routing m ark single-hop rou ting sta tus tab le
It is a core research issue tom ake the roubst, practica ,l fast and accurate routing se lection to the destination node in Ad hoc ne tw orks. This paper presents an im proved protocol based on GPSR, to so lve the prob lem of the rapid co llapse o f thewho le network perform ance by keeping the nodes. rem a in ing energy ba lanced as a routing se lection factor and add ing the tim em arke r to reduce the routing selection calculation and transm ission delay. M oreove r, the paper pu ts forw ard a betterm echanism to so lve the routing ho le problem sending a w arn ing m essage by the perim e ter node to avo id passing the sam e ho le several tim es that causes ene rgy consum ption.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23