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A Cache-Shared Model Based on G-Chord(PDF)


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A Cache-Shared Model Based on G-Chord
Song Zhigang
Network and Information Center,Fuzhou University,Fuzhou 350002,China
G-Chord cache-shared perform ance
A node cache sha ring m ode l based on the G-Chord a lgo rithm is presented, wh ich imp lements the sea rch, store and distributiton o f the ob jec ts by using the content o f cache of the client nodes, wh ile ra ising the coopera tion am ong the c lients, decreas ing the wa it tim e of c lients, and reduc ing the pressure on the serve rs. It was proved in the emu lationa l exper im ent that the leng th of the route- tab le was ev idently curta iled, w hile rem a in ing good leng th o f the av erage path. The research on the difference am ong the amount o f groups and the va lue o f them and the load of the nodes a lso prov ided some re ference for the G-Cho rd grouping schem e.G-Chord, cache-shared, perform ance


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Last Update: 2013-04-23