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Quasi-Distributed Measurement of Optical Fiber MEMS Fabry-Perot Pressure Sensors(PDF)


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Quasi-Distributed Measurement of Optical Fiber MEMS Fabry-Perot Pressure Sensors
Ni XiaoqiWang MingChen XuxingDai Xiajuan
School of Physical Science and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
guided w ave and fiber op tics FP pressure sensor Four ier demodu lation m ethod quas-i d istr ibuted measurem
A m ultiplex ing schem e based on Fourier dem odu lation m e thod is presented in this paper, w hich m akes quas-i d istr ibu ted measurem en t of optica l fiberMEM S Fabry-Pero t ( FP) pressure sensors poss ible. Based on FP interferom etry, the sensors are fabr icated by emp loy ing the m ic roe lec trom echan ica l system (M EMS ) techn iques and interroga ted w ith Fourier dem odu la tion m ethod. An optical sw itch is used to mu ltip lex the senso rs. The demodu lation and mu ltiplex ing princ ip le a re theoretica lly ana lyzed and expe rim en tally ver ified. The exper im enta l results dem onstrate that the system has reasonable linearity, sensitiv ity, prec is ion, repetition and fast response. There is no observab le crossta lk am ong the mu ltiplex ing sensors and the system. s capac ity depends on channe ls o f the optical sw itch.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23