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Application of IECM in Mercury Pollution Control and Economic Forecast for Coal-Fired Power Plant(PDF)


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Application of IECM in Mercury Pollution Control and Economic Forecast for Coal-Fired Power Plant
Yang HongminLi DaweiHou WenhuiZhao LiangJia Xiaoli
School of Power Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
integ rated env ironmenta l con tro l m ode ling ( IECM ) activated carbon in jection pred ic tion econom ic analysis
The techno log ica l upg rad ing based on the ex isting po llution contro l dev ices is an e ffective solution tom ercury po llution control in coa l??fired power plants. The most im po rtant issue fac ing m anagers is the techn ica l and econom ic e?? va luation fo rm ercury po llution contro l dev ices. The e ffects of the operating temperature, coa l type and con figuration o f the a ir po llution contro l dev ices on them ercury adsorption by activated carbon in jection for coa l??fired flue gas w ere pre?? d icted in th is pape r. The sim ulation and econom ic analysis on the in jec tion o f activated carbon under diffe rent operation cond itions we re a lso carr ied out w ith the so ftw are o f Integrated Env ironmenta l Contro lM ode ling ( IECM ). The results show that the effect o f activated carbon onm ercury rem oval is in inve rse proportion to the temperatu re of flue gas. For the b itum inous coa l??fired powe r plant, the flue g as desulfur ization ( FGD) sy stem reduces the am ount of the in jection of acti?? va ted carbon significantly. Com bined w ith the selective ca talytic reduc tion( SCR) system, the h igher rem oval e fficiency form ercury in flue gas can be ach ieved; For an thracite and lignite??fired bo ile rs, the activa ted carbon injection cou ld be reduced by about 27% by flue gas desulfur ization ( FGD) system, and there is no obv ious impact of configuration com?? b ined w ith the se lective cata ly tic reduction( SCR) on the injection of ac tivated carbon.


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Last Update: 2013-04-02