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Analysis and Simulation of Harmonic Suppression for PAM Inverter(PDF)


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Analysis and Simulation of Harmonic Suppression for PAM Inverter
Jiang XiaoliangSun Pindong
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
pu lse am plitudem odulation inverte r harmon ic suppression PSIM
Pu lseAm plitudeM odu la tion( PAM ) inv erter has the features of low sw itch ing lo ss, simp le contro ,l h igh eff-i c iency and good per fo rm ance on harmon ic suppression com pared to PWM. In this paper, basic theory of PAM was analyzed, and then the per fo rm ance o f harm onic suppress ion by reduction of pu lsew idth, phase shift contro l and their comb ination w as d iscussed. Fina lly, PSIM6.0 w as used to do sim ulation research on harmon ic suppression o f PAM inve rter. The results of analysis and sim ulation can be treated as re ferences fo r PAM inverter des ign.


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Last Update: 2013-04-02