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Whole Rice Straws Reused for Cultivation of Edible Mushroom in Subtropical Region of China(PDF)


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Whole Rice Straws Reused for Cultivation of Edible Mushroom in Subtropical Region of China
Shen Weishou1Chen Wenwen1Wu Hongchang2Zhong Wenhui1
1.School of Chemistry and Environmental Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China;2.Station for Popularizing of Agricultural Technique in Pingding Township of Yujiang County,Yingtan 335201,China
who le rice straw oysterm ushroom c linke r bag cultivation mushroom residue
Reuse of r ice straw s can not only pro tect the eco-env ironm ent, but also makew aste pro fitable and increase the incom e o f peasants. In order to investiga te on the feasib ility o f cultivation o f ed ible fung i on r ice straw s, the y ields and econom ic benefits of the ed ible m ushroom w ere com pa red am ong five trea tm ents, includ ing ridge cultivation of oyster mushroom and pho en ix- tailm ushroom in the raw m ater ia ,l bag cu ltivation o f oyster mushroom in the raw m ater ia,l and oyster mushroom and need le mushroom in the c linker. The results show ed that the yie lds and econom ic benefits the ed-i b le mushroom under bag cultivation o r in the c linkerw ere higher than tha t under ridge cu ltivation or in the raw m ater ia,l respectiv ely. The h ighest y ields and econom ic bene fits of the edib le mushroom w ere found to be bag cu ltiva tion o f oyster mushroom in the c linke r among five treatm ents. In the treatm ent o f bag cultiv ation o f oyster mushroom in the c linker, there we re three constitu ting ra tios o f c linker inc lud ing 100% straw litter, 80% straw litter and 20% cottonseed hul,l and 60% straw litte r and 40% cottonseed hu l.l The y ields ( 1.6 kg / kg substrate) and econom ic benefits ( 4.6 Yuan /kg substra te) of the oysterm ushroom w ere h ighest in constituting ratio o f 100% straw litter. M ushroom residues under bag cu ltivation of oyster mushroom in the clinker we re determ ined by chem ica l ana lyses after the oy ster m ushroom w as harvested. The results showed tha t conten ts of to tal n itrogen and phosphorus decreased, but to tal potassium and o rganicm ateria ls increased dur ing the decom position of r ice straw s. Our demonstra tion exper im ent o f bag cultiv ation o f oystermushroom in the clinker show ed that 530 kg o f straw litter produced about 730 kg of fresh mushroom, pro fiting 4. 8 Yuan /kg substra te. These resultsm ay have the gu id ing sense to the practice o f cultivation o f ed ible fung i on r ice straw s in red so ilreg ions. M oreover, mushroom residues re turning to the fie ld m ay increase the con tents o f tota l po tassium and o rganicm ateria ls in red soil.


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Last Update: 2013-04-02