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Message Scheduling of Networked Control Systems With Resource Constraints(PDF)


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Message Scheduling of Networked Control Systems With Resource Constraints
Xuan HuimingWen LiyanPeng Chen
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
NCSconstraint resourcemessage schedulingQoSQoCco-design
According to the case that network resources such as bandwidth are always constrained,the paper has an overview on the open literature of message scheduling in Networked Control Systems. The background and basic concept of NCS are firstly introduced,and so are a variety of effects caused by introducing the networks. Then,dynamic characteristics of NCS are studied,existing scheduling strategies and scheduling algorithms are summarized and analyzed. Further studies on effective scheduling to guarantee high Quality of Service of network and Quality of Control with resource constraints are conducted,co-design of control and scheduling is also considered. In addition,on the basis of the previous analysis,future work in the further study is discussed.


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Last Update: 2013-03-11