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Study on Characteristics of Start-up Process In a Simulated Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustor(PDF)


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Study on Characteristics of Start-up Process In a Simulated Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustor
Duan Yufeng 1Zhao Changsui 1Chen Xiaoping 1Jin Baosheng 1 Xu Shengrong 2Wang Yiren 2Zhang Zhilun 3
1.Key Laboratory of Clean Coal Power Generation and Combustion Technology of Ministry of Education, Southeast University,Nanjing,210096,PRC; 2.College of Power Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing,210097,PRC; 3.Harbin boiler Works Co.Ltd.,Harbin,150041,PRC
Pr essur izatio n fluidized bed st art -up char acter istic
Study on char act eristics of star t-up pro cess using ho t flue gas is car ried out in a simulat ed Pr essur ized Fluidized Bed Com bustor ( PFBC ) w ith a similar wat er-co oled dist ributo r and w ind-box config uration to the pilo t scale PFBC bo iler. Coal acceptabilit y is t ested in star ting up t he fluidized bed using hot flue gas based o n four differ ent coals including bitumino us coal, anthr acite, lean coal and g angue blending anthracite. Effects o f par ameter s, such as bed temperatur e w hen coa l is fed, co al feeding rat e, in-bed heat tr ansfer tubes, static bed heig ht, hot g as t emper atur e and flow rat e, on the st art -up pro cess is investigat ed thor oug hly . Var iations of elevation r ate of the bed temperatur e under v ar ious conditio ns ar e also conducted.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29