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Selection of Composite Extractive Distillation Solvent for Ethyl Acetate-Ethanol-Water(PDF)


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Selection of Composite Extractive Distillation Solvent for Ethyl Acetate-Ethanol-Water
GU Zhenggui LIN Jun
School of Chemistry and Environment Science,Nanjing Normal University,Jiangsu Nanjing 210097, China
ex tractive distillation so lven t ethy l aceta te e thano l w ater re lative vo la tility
The com po site ex tractive separation ( d ifferen t ex tractive agents at different po sitions) o f ethy l acetate and w ate r is propo sed fo r the a im s o f simp lify ing production techno logy, reduc ing energy consum ption agents and once ra i-sing the concentration of ethy l ace tate to over 99. 5%. A ll k inds o f agents com posed o f sing le, bina ry, ternary com po-nen ts a re summ arized. Upon the sho rtag es of system atic researches and com parisons of ex tractive agen ts, in the paper ex tractive agents a re c lassified into tw e lve types from the interactions betw een m o lecules, e lectrostatic fo rce, disper-sion force, hydrog en bond, et al. The e ffects of a ll k inds of extractive agents on separation of e thy l aceta te and w ater system are ana ly zed, and po lybasic a lcoho,l wa ter, carboxy lic ac id, am ides and ketone are cho sen as separation a-g ents for ethy l aceta te and w ater system. A ffec tion of temperature and so lvent ratio on re lative vo latility is studied, w ith m easured data from the checked po t, com b ined w ith other influenc ing factors, g lycerol is se lected as extrac tive so lvent fo r ethy l acetate /w ate r system.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29