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Study on Synthesis of Isocoumarins and its Evolution(PDF)


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Study on Synthesis of Isocoumarins and its Evolution
LI Li YANG Jinfei YUAN Xiangai
School of Chemistry and Environment Science, Nanjing Normal University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210097, China
isocoum arin synthes is bioactiv ity
The article introduces the anti-tumo r and o ther pharm aco log ic effec ts o f the isocoum ar ins, rev iews the m ethods of synthesizing isocoum arins, and places an em phasis on introducing and compar ing such m ethods of synthe-sizing syntheticroutes o f d ihydroisocoum arins as ozone ox idation, o rganic m eta l sythes is, cata ly tic ox idation and so on. The article a lso m akes a pre lim inary investigation of the synthesis of po ly subtituedisocoum arin, and finally sug- g ests an expec tation for its prospect in phy sio log ical and bio log ica l activ ity.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29