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Experiment and Simulation Investigation on Performance of Discrimination Networks for Conductive Electromagnetic Noise(PDF)


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Experiment and Simulation Investigation on Performance of Discrimination Networks for Conductive Electromagnetic Noise
SHEN Xuemei1ZHAO Yang 1 2 3 LI Shijin1CHEN Hao2
1. School of Electrical and Automation Engineering, Nanjing Normal University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210042, China; 2. College of Information and Electrical Engineering, China University of Mining Technology, Jiangsu Xuzhou 221008, China; 3. State Key Lab of Millimeter Waves, Southeast University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210096, China
electrom agne tic inte rference ( EM I) comm on mode ( CM ) no ise diffe rentia lm ode ( DM ) no ise insertion loss rejection ratio
Th is paper g ives an introduction of the purpose and m eaning o f d iscrim ination o f Conductive E lec trom agneticNo ise, discusses about discr im ina tion techn iques of Conductive E lectrom agne tic No ise, introduces line im pedance stabilization ne tw ork ( L ISN) and four different disc rim inating netwo rks are a lso introduced, and do es an invest-i g ation on perform ance of d iscrim ination networks by m eans o f exper im ent and s imu la tion, especially on tw o of them. Com parisons be tw een experim ent and sim ulation results show the ir good ag reem ent. In som e cases, simu lation can do som e researches instead o f experim ent. The paper a lso presents a further investigation on capac itive coup ling influence and param eter error s’ in fluence on pe rform ance. The resu lts ind icate that capacitive coupling has a cer tain influence on the discr im inating netwo rks, that Guo‘s ne tw ork is less sensitive to the d istribution param eter influence, and tha t circu it e lem ent param eter error has little influence on d iscr im ination netwo rks


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Last Update: 2013-04-29