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Real Time Monitoring and Control of Ecologic Rehabilitating System in Water Environment with S7-300 PLC(PDF)


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Real Time Monitoring and Control of Ecologic Rehabilitating System in Water Environment with S7-300 PLC
SHEN Zhongyu1 ZHAO Jin1 SUN Ji1 WANG Guoxiang2
1.School of Electrical and Automation Engineering, Nanjing Normal University,Jiangsu Nanjing 210042, China; 2.School of Geographical Science, Nanjing Normal University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210097,China
w ater env ironm ent eco log ic rehabilitating sy stem S7-300 PLC fuzzy contro l
A cco rding to the features and structures o f the eco log ic rehabilitating system in w ater env ironm ent, based on the autom atic contro l system by SIEMENS S IMATIC S7-300 PLC, and by comb in ingw ith PLC technique, inte ll-i g ent transducer techn ique, fie ldbus techn ique , OPC techn ique etc, and its control requirem ent, this paper des igns and establishes the exper im ent test p latform of the eco log ic rehab ilitating system in w ater env ironm ental inte lligent exper im ent test platform to m onitor and contro l a sets of loca le temperatures, hum id ity, w ind speed and d irec tion, ORP, ligh t intens ity , CO2, w ater leve l e tc, and to do research and app ly eco log ic rehabilita ting techn ique on exper-i m en t test platfo rm. The structure o f the system hardw are and the structur ing program des ign a re recommended in deta i,l and the fuzzy contro l arithm etic is thus realized. The practice show s that the w ork ing o f the ecolog ic rehab ilitating contro l system is feasible, tha t its opera tion is v ery simp le and that the m a intenance is convenient, and tha t the m an- m ach ine alternation is good.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29