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Study on the Fermentation of Cl.klugveri(PDF)


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Study on the Fermentation of Cl.klugveri
DAI Qun1ZHAO Guangao2WANG Ningbo1
1. Department of Biology, Jiangsu Institute of Education, Jiangsu Nanjing 210013, China; 2. School of Biotechnology,Southern Yangtze University, Jiangsu Wuxi 214036, China
C.l bakeri ferm en tation e thy l capriate capro ic aci bodega mud
E thy l capriate is the m ain frag rance that distingu ishes Luzhou-dagu Baijiu and other types o f a lcoho .l C apro ic ac id is regarded as not on ly an important index o f dete rm ining the quality of frag rance a lcoho,l but a lso am a in restricted factor of the qua lity o fLuzhou-dagu Baij iu. During the ferm enta tion o f m icrobe, the cond ition of ferm en tation no t on ly has an im pac t on ge rm, but also influences the synthes is o fm etabo lic products. D ifferent conditions lead to different produc ts in the course o f me tabo lic reaction. In this paper, the autho r tr ies to find out the prope r cond-i tions o f grow th and investig ate the param eters o f the ferm enta tion w ith the J7 stra in o f C l . k luyveri. The research show s that the J7 stra in’ s best pH is 7. 5; 2% ethano l and 2% acetic- natr ium a re the best carbon sources.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29