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On the Study of Consumer’s Decision-Making Psychology Based on VPRS(PDF)


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On the Study of Consumer’s Decision-Making Psychology Based on VPRS
YU Jiayuan WANG Cunyou
School of Education Science, Nanjing Normal University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210097, China
rough set va riab le precision rough set custom e r decision-mak ing psycho logy rule
The im proved var iab le precision rough setm odel ( VPRS) is app lied to ana lyze “the questionna ire o f custom er s’ dec is ion-m ak ing psycho logy”. The sam ple includes 910 underg raduate students. At first, an appropr ia te var-i ab le precision va lue is set, the boundary area would d isappear or nea rly d isappea r. Then a dec ision m atr ix is se t up and som e Boo lean functions are constructed. Som e sim plified rules are obta ined by using abso rption law. At last, som e m ax im a lly genera l ru les abou tm a le and fem ale unde rgraduates. decision m ak ing are extracted respective ly. It w as shown that, com pa red w ith c lassica l rough set theo ry, the classification ru les forecast precision is im proved, and that the ru les extracted arem uch sim pler. It show s that this m ethod is feasible.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29