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Extraordinary Optical Properties of Periodically Perforated Metal Films(PDF)


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Extraordinary Optical Properties of Periodically Perforated Metal Films
YAO JieYE Yonghong
School of Physical Science and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
per iodically perforated m eta l film m iddle- infrared reg ion sur face plasmon po laritons( SPPs)
M eta l film sw ith two-d im ensiona l period ic array s o f sub-wave leng th apertures can exh ibit extraordinary opt-i cal transm ission. In som e cases, the transm ission enhancem en t can be three o rders of magnitude greater than what is predicted by the standa rd aperture theory. There has been a great interest in such structured film s due to its potentia l applications in pho tolithography, near fie ld m icro scopy and pho ton ic dev ices. In m ost o f the exper im ents repo rted to date, the per fo ra ted m eta l film s w ere fabricated by the focused- ion-beam m ethod, and the ir transm iss ion enhancem ent w as in the v isib le and nea r- infrared reg ions. Accord ing to our research, a stencilm ask m ethod can be used to fabr-i cate such pe rfora ted m eta l film s. Ou r expe rim en ts dem onstrated tha t the dev ices m ade w ith th is m ethod can also induce transm ission enhancem ent in the m idd le- in frared reg ion. Mo reover, larg e- sca le and the cascaded structures can be easily obta ined by ourm ethod.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29