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Pretreatment and Recovery Utilization of Glyphosate Wastewater(PDF)


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Pretreatment and Recovery Utilization of Glyphosate Wastewater
Xu MingliCui ShihaiWang YupingPeng Panying
School of Chemistry and Environmental Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
g lyphosate CaC l2 recovery w astew ater
Based on the struc ture and property o f glyphosate, its w astew ater was treated by C aC l2 so lution. Under certa in conditions, itw as transform ed to deposit of ca lc ium sa lt wh ich would be processed to 5% g lyphosate so lution by PCW in tenerate reagent. Some factors affecting the results such as pH va lue o f the so lution, quantity of CaCl2 so lution, hydroch lo ric ac id and PCW intenera te reagent had been stud ied. The resu lts show ed that under optim ized conditions, each 100mL w astew aterw as treated w ith 15 mL C aC l2 so lution ( 634 g /L), 6. 2mL hydroch lo ric acid and 2.5 g PCW intenera te reagent in turn, and recovered g lyphosate so lution could ma tch the standard o f produc ing co rporations. In th is techn iques, high recovery e fficiency o f g lypho sate as m uch as 95% w as obta ined and rem oval rate o f COD was above 95%.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29