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The Synthesis of Ethylene Carbonate Using Tetraethylammonium Bromide(TEAB) as the Catalyst(PDF)


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The Synthesis of Ethylene Carbonate Using Tetraethylammonium Bromide(TEAB) as the Catalyst
Li YangZhu PeiyuWang Yanru
School of Chemistry and Chemical,Nanjing University of Technology,Nanjing 210009,China
ca rbon diox ide ethy lene ox ide e thy lene carbonate TEAB synthesis
In orde r to exp lore a va luab le pro cess fo r comm ercia l production o f Ethy lene Carbonate ( EC ), carbon d-i ox ide ( CO2 ) and E thy lene Ox ide ( EO) as raw m ater ia ,l and TEAB as the cata ly st w ere utilized. TEAB has the adv antages o f high availab ility, low price and h igh activ ity. The influences o f reaction param ete rs on the EC y ield, such as tem pera ture, pressure, ca talyst concentration, residence tim e as w ell as the ra tio o f EC /EO in the initial feed, w ere exp lo red by m eans o f sing le-var iable param eter and or thogona lm ethod. It was indicated that 98% o f EC y ie ld cou ld be reached at the optima l conditions o f 5.5MPa of reaction pressure, 180℃ o f reaction tem pera ture, 0. 3% of TEAB /EO ( quality ratio), 1.0 of EC /EO in the initial feed( qua lity ratio ) and 120m in o f reaction tim e. It w as a lso verified that the activ ity of the cata ly st rem ained stab leafter 11 times of recycle.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29