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Measurement and Analysis of EMI Noise Sources of Power Electronic Equipments(PDF)


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Measurement and Analysis of EMI Noise Sources of Power Electronic Equipments
Zhao Yang12Chen Hao1Yin Haiping2Li Shijing2Jiang Ningqiu2Sun Yan2See Kye Yak3
1.School of Information and Electrical Engineering,China University of Mining Technology,Xuzhou 221008,China;2.School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China;3.College of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Nanyang Technological University,S′ 639798,Singapore
conducted EM I impedance o f no ise source measurem ent
In this paper, the research about m easurem ent and ana ly sis of conduc tive EM I no ise source has been done. F irst, the EM I no ise generation m echan ism of no ise source and com par ison between var ious modeling approaches are ana lyzed. Then, som e no ise source modeling m ethods such as resonant m ethod, insertion loss m ethod and two current probem e thod are discussed respective ly. Add itiona lly, the interna l impedance measurem en t and param eter ex traction of practica l no ise source is im plem ented by us ing two current probem e thod. Result is basica lly agreed w ith the m easurem ent resu lt by using impedance analyzer. The study in this paper may o ffer some use fu l in fo rm ation for conductive EM I filter design.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29