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Fatigue Lifetime Prediction Models Based on Membership Function(PDF)


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Fatigue Lifetime Prediction Models Based on Membership Function
Chen Shengjun
School of Electric and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
fatigue life tim e m embership function pred iction models
Dev iation of tradition fatigue lifetim e prediction is b igge r. A new fatigue lifetim e pred iction m ethod is g iven and the fatigue lifetim e pred iction models are set up based on m em bership function. M ode ls consider the impa ir ing effec t stresses be low w eary lim it. Con trasting analysis o f the pro ject instantia lity indicates: the pred iction m ode ls w hich are set up , w ith typ ica l h igh prec ision, w ide app licab ility and conven ient app lication, are a useful prediction m ethods.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29