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Study on Reliability Prediction Method of Industrial Robot System(PDF)


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Study on Reliability Prediction Method of Industrial Robot System
Chen Shengjun
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
robo t re liability pred iction crash- ra te
The sign ificance and the bas ic thought of study ing robo t system re liab ility are put forw ard. Re liability prediction m ode ls and calculation m ethods of robo t system are estab lished by comb in ing trad ition re liab ility theor ies and the des ign o f robo t system. Exam ple ana ly sis show s tha t reliab ility pred iction theory o f the paper fair ly w ell resolves the problem o f com plex robot sy stem of re liab ility prediction, and that the ca lcu la ted results are bas ica lly in conform ity w ith the practica l statistics results.


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Last Update: 2013-04-24