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Study of Static Discharge and its Use in CAN Bus Controlling System(PDF)


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Study of Static Discharge and its Use in CAN Bus Controlling System
Jiang NingqiuZhao YangYin HaipingLi ShijinShen Xuemei
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
ESD CAN bus ant-i static e lectr ic ity
Now aday s, a lo t o f prob lem s produced by static discha rge have a g reat influence on the norm a l perform ance o f e lectron ic equipments. First, th is pape r ana lyzed the fo rm ation and in terference m echanism, and introduced the test m ethod of ESD. In the ESD test on the CAN bus body system and equipm ents o f bus, it appeared tha t som e indicator lights worked abno rm ally when test vo ltage is adv anced. The reasons o f the static prob lem s, analyzed and som e reso lv ing m easures are suggested, and at the sam e tim e, the exper im enta l resu lts of partial resolv ing m easures are g iven. These resu lts va lida ted the effectiveness of the proposed measures of so lv ing static problem s o fCAN bus body system con tro lling system and equipm ents of bus.


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Last Update: 2013-04-24