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Vibration-Reducing Technology for the Arms of the On-line Washing Submarine Robot in the Condenser of Power Plant(PDF)


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Vibration-Reducing Technology for the Arms of the On-line Washing Submarine Robot in the Condenser of Power Plant
Chen NingPeng WeiWu Nannan
School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou 221116,China
steam eng ineer ing a irfo il nume rical sim ulation subm ar ine robot v ibra tion
Dur ing the operation of an under-study ing subm arine on- line wash ing robot in the condenser s’ w ater chamber o f a 300MW unit o f the pow er p lant, it w ill face three disadv antageous reg ions, in w hich the v ibration o f the robots’ a rm s w ill increase greatly under the effect of the w ater and there fo re the pos itioning o f the robot w ill be difficu lt. Num erical simu la tion and w ind tunne l experim ents are ca rried out to so lve the problem. It sta tes that one o f the e ffectiv em ethods to decrease the v ibra tion and resistance is to add se l-f adaptive rotating cow lings on the arms of the robo t. The proper airfo il for the cow lings o f the first and second arm s o f the robot is NACA0030 and for the cow ling o f third arm is NACA0050. The data o f w ind tunne l exper iments show that, w ith the abov e a irfo il comb inations, the v ibration of them anipulato r o f the robo t reduces greatly in the three d isadvantageous reg ions. The po sitioning accuracy o f the robot can be improved then. Bes ides, the pressure loss of the robot decreases by 34??3%, wh ich show s that the cow ling s are e ffective to reduce res istance.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23