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A Novel Three Phase AC Source With Output Voltage Variable Continuously and Regulated(PDF)


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A Novel Three Phase AC Source With Output Voltage Variable Continuously and Regulated
Gu XuefengJiang XiaoliangSun Pindong
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
regulated AC source variab le outpu tAC source three-phase AC Cuk c ircuit
A new k ind of three-phase ac-ac conve rterw ith regulated output vo ltage orw ith output vo ltage var iable continuously has been proposed. Cuk c ircu it, norm a lly used in dc-dc vo ltag e conversion, is em ployed in th is converterw ith the he lp of three-phase e lectrical sw itches. Com pa red to the trad itional ac-ac converter em ploy thyr istors to regu late ac powe r, .i e. phase-con tro lled ac-ac converters, and ex isting line conditioners, this converter is sma ller in size, higher in e-f fic iency, less low-o rder in harm on ics and larger in vo ltage ad justable range. The ana lys is o f operating princip le and control strategy of the proposed topo log ies are presented. Computer sim ulation and experim enta l result of the converter are a lso presented at the end o f the paper.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23