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Research of Automatic Control System About Billboard Unloading Strong Wind(PDF)


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Research of Automatic Control System About Billboard Unloading Strong Wind
Wang XianjuQian ZengleiLi ChaoChen LingZhao ShuangSong Ting
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
b illboard strong w ind unload ing anem om ete r SCM
Fo r b illboard acc identa ldam age in strong w ind, th is paper, from the perspective of dynam ica lly reducing b illboa rd w indw ard, g ives a new w indload un loading b illboard design and its auto contro l system. To the security o f b illboa rds, this system would send ou t a larm signals, and startup the un loading dev ice qu ickly, when ex ter ior w ind pow e r go beyond the design streng th o f b illboards. When thew ind speed w as reduced to sa fe range, the b illboa rd w ou ld re turn to the o rig ina l state. This paper introduces the composing, wo rk ing pr incip le, working flow and contro l log ic of th is design, and show s the system princ iple frame cha rts and softw are flow charts. To achieve the functions such as rea ltim e w ind speed testing and d isp lay ing, prea la rm and safe w ind speed setting, dang erous w ind speed a larm, w indload un load ing and safety resum e, th is system is com posed o fw ind speed senso r, AT89S52 SCM, 128* 32 la ttice LCD and pe l lic le keys, w hich w ork as liv ing w ind speed test componen t, control core, d isp lay component and input com ponent.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23