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Numerical Study on Flow Field and Separative Efficiency of Cyclone Separator Applicable to Spray Drying(PDF)


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Numerical Study on Flow Field and Separative Efficiency of Cyclone Separator Applicable to Spray Drying
Hu Hong1Huang Hu1Song Qianqian1Zhang Zhongbin1Chen Zemin2
1.School of Power Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China;2.Jiangsu Danyang Suke Air Source Energy Research Center Co.Ltd,Danyang 212300,China
cyc lone sepa rato r Reyno lds StressMode l( RSM ) num erica l simu la tion tra jectory o f partic les
The working pro cesses and pr inc iples of cy clone separator w ere introduced in th is paper. The m athem atical m ode ls of the three-dim ens iona l flow fie lds and tra jectory of particles in cyclone separators were established. The Reyno lds StressM ode l( RSM ) w as used to com pute the fie ld. The three-dim ens iona l flow fie lds and tra jec to ry o f partic les w ere obta ined by num er ica l s imu la tion. The d ifferen tia l pressures between in let and outle t o f cyc lone separator under d i-f ferent inlet a ir v elocities and separa tive effic iencies and diffe rent par tic le diam ete rs w ere also obta ined by num er ica l ca-l culation. The results can prov ide a re ference for des igning and applica tions of cyc lone sepa ra to r.


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Last Update: 2013-04-02