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Priliminary Research on Solar-Assisted Thermal Power Generation System(PDF)


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Priliminary Research on Solar-Assisted Thermal Power Generation System
Li YinglinMing XiangyuLi YunZhu Aijuan
School of Power Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
therm a l power gene ration so lar energy turb ine circu la ting re fr igerant
The so lar- assisted therm a l pow er generation system, wh ich adop ted industrial w aste heat as a first-c lass heat source and so lar heat co llector as a second one, drove them oto r to generate e lec tric ity wh ile the overheated c irculating re frigerant expanded in the turbine. Firstly the princ ip le and w orking cycle of th is novel system we re ana ly zed, and then system atic the rmodynam ic calcu lation w as carr ied out on the basis o f the theoretica l ana lys is. Theoretical ca lculation resu lts show that: w hen R717 w as circu lating refr igeran t, evaporating tem pe ra ture of c irculating refrig erant w as 60?? and condens ing temperature was 27?? , the e lectr ic ity generating e ffic iency o f th is nove l system cou ld be up to 8. 73%, w hich ind icated that th is nove l therma l powe r genera tion system has a be tter applica tion prospect.


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Last Update: 2013-04-02