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Birds' Interspecific Variation in Host Competence for West Nile Virus and Their Driving Factors(PDF)


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Birds' Interspecific Variation in Host Competence for West Nile Virus and Their Driving Factors
Zhang HuiminWei JiayueHuang Zheng
(School of Life Sciences,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)
reservoir competencehost relatednesslife history traitsthe diversity-disease relationshipphylogenetic signalvector-borne transmission
Species' host competence for a specific pathogen generally shows considerable variations among species. It has been suggested that some life-history traits are significantly correlated with host competence. This study collects host competence index for West Nile virus for 37 bird species from published data,and explores the relationships between three life-history traits(i.e. body mass,clutch size and incubation time)and host competence using both general linear models and phylogenetic comparative analysis. The results suggest that neither of three life-history traits shows any significant relationship with host competence. However,the results from phylogenetic comparative analysis show a strong phylogenetic signal for host competence,suggesting that host phylogeny and host relatedness may partly explain the inter-specific variation in host competence.


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Last Update: 2022-12-15