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 LIU Yan,LI Yinya,et al.Fast Calculation of all Stabilizing PI Controllers for Second-Order Time-Delay Systems[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2004,04(04):005-8.





Fast Calculation of all Stabilizing PI Controllers for Second-Order Time-Delay Systems
刘  艳1 2 李银伢2 盛安冬2
1. 盐城师范学院物理系, 江苏盐城224002; 2. 南京理工大学自动化系, 江苏南京210094
LIU Yan 12 LI Yinya2 SHENG Andong2
1.Department of Physics, Yancheng Teachers College, Yancheng 224002, China; 2.Department of Automation, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China
时滞系统 稳定性 PI控制
time- delay system stabilization PI control
PID控制是自动控制中应用最广泛的一种控制方法 .针对工业控制过程中普遍存在的二阶时滞系统 ,通过在kp-ki平面上绘制稳定边界线 ,给出了快速计算PI控制器所有稳定参数集的方法 ,并且给出了系统开环不稳定情形下稳定PI控制器的存在必要性条件 .通过在该稳定参数区域上进行性能指标寻优 ,可以得到满意控制器设计性能指标要求的PI控制器参数区域 .仿真实例表明了该方法的优越性 ,为控制系统的控制器设计提供了一个简单高效的设计方法 .
PID control is the most common control method used in automatic control. Aiming at the second- order time- delay systems of industrial process control, a method for the fast calculation of all stable PI controllers via plotting stability boundary locus in kp- ki is presented. Moreover, the necessary conditions are proposed for the ex istence of a PI controller to simultaneously stabilize the second-order time- delay systems that are open- loop unstable. Furthermore, the set of PI controllers satisfied with the performance specifications requirements of a controller design is easily to work out via searching on the stabilizing region. An example is given to show the effectiveness of the method presented and the paper provides a simple and effedive method for controllers design.


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基金项目: 国防科工委“ 十五”预研兵器支撑基金资助项目( BZJ04026) .
作者简介: 刘艳( 1976- ) , 女, 硕士, 助教, 主要从事时滞系统稳定与控制、PID 控制的稳定性和过程控制等方面的教学与研究.E-mail: liuyan- z@ sina. com
通讯联系人: 盛安冬(1964- ) , 博士, 教授, 博士生导师, 主要从事火力控制、满滤波等方面的教学与研究工作.E-mail: shengandong@ 263. net
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-29