 GU Yan,LI Wei.Design of the Manage System of Junction Box in Telecom Based on GIS[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2006,06(01):077-81.





Design of the Manage System of Junction Box in Telecom Based on GIS
南京邮电大学通信与信息工程学院, 江苏南京210003
GU YanLI Wei
College of Communication and Information Engineering,Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Nanjing 210003,China
GIS 数据库 空间分析 电信分线盒管理系统
G IS Database spac ia l ana lys is the manage system of junction box in Te lecom
将G IS技术应用于电信分线盒管理,研究开发了电信线盒管理系统,为电信行业提供了分线盒安装的系统解决方案.其主要功能有:分线盒空间、属性数据双向查询,分线盒及内部端口情况,施工任务地理位置记录,施工报表生成等.系统基于G IS技术构建,使用电子地图直观地查看分线盒的地理位置和属性信息,创造了图文并茂的工作环境.实现了电信分线盒的地图化管理,把烦琐低效的人工处理流程转化为直观简洁高效的计算机化管理,大大提高了通信企业的工作效率和服务质量.
In o rder to improve the serv ice leve l and work e fficiency in Te lecom company, them anage system o f junction box in Te lecom introduces the m anag em ent o f h iberarchy. It prov ides a ser ies o f functions fo r emp loyee, such as b i- d irec tiona l search ing of the space inform ation and the property informa tion o f junction box, search ing in fo rm ation of junc tion box and inner ports or just usab le ones com bin ing w ith a relativ e area, reg iste ring fix ing po sition in map and m eterag ing along the line. Especia lly, it a lso o ffe rs func tions o f database m anag em ent, w ays of creating repo rt form s for m anag er. Comb in ing w ith com prehensive functions as we ll as h igh prac ticab ility, th is sy stem can promo te the developm ent o f corporations g reatly.


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作者简介: 顾燕( 1980-) , 女, 助教, 主要从事地理信息系统应用方面的教学与应用. E-m ail:guyan@ e165. com
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-29