[1]苏建元,许 湧,徐 敏,等.基于GSM/GPRS的负荷控制管理系统的研制[J].南京师范大学学报(工程技术版),2007,07(01):022-26.
 Su Jianyuan,Xu Yong,Xu Min,et al.Study on Load Control and Management System Based on GSM/GPRS[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2007,07(01):022-26.





Study on Load Control and Management System Based on GSM/GPRS
苏建元1 许 湧2 徐 敏3 孙 蔚1 孙 薇1
1. 河海大学电气工程学院, 江苏南京210098; 2. 南京深拓计算机系统集成有限公司, 江苏南京210000;
3. 江苏省镇江电信公司, 江苏镇江212007
Su Jianyuan1Xu Yong2Xu Min3Sun Wei1Sun Wei1
1.College of Electrical Engineering,Hohai University,Nanjing 210098,China; 2.Nanjing Stsoft Computer System Limited Company,Nanjing 210000,China;3.Zhenjiang Telecommunication Company,Zhenjiang 212007,China
负荷管理 数据库 电力MIS 数据共享 GSM/GPRS
load m anag em ent database e lectric powe rM IS data sharing GSM /GPRS
为了满足配网自动化和电力需求侧管理的要求,提出了一种负荷控制管理系统的设计方案,该方案通过GSM短信方式直接实现采集器与主站之间的双向数据传输,节约了投资,缩短了开发周期;介绍了该系统的组成、主要功能和数据库访问的主要接口标准,这些标准常用在虚拟仪器等系统开发中;给出了基于ODBC的负荷控制管理系统与电力M IS系统之间的数据共享方法,负荷控制管理系统主站使用电力M IS系统的内网IP地址,通过防火墙与电力M IS系统交换数据,由电力M IS系统进行WEB信息发布,该方法简便灵活、安全性高.两年多的实际应用情况说明了负荷控制管理系统方案的先进性和实用性.
In o rder to m eet the dem ands o f distr ibution electr ic powe r netw orks au tom ation and DSM, a design schem e abou t load contro l and m anag em ent system is proposed. This schem e exchanged da ta be tw een m aster station and client by GSM /SMS, saved investm en t, and reduced design time. This system’ s com pos ition, m ain functions, and database interface standards wh ich a re usua lly used in the developm ent of im ag ina tive ly sim ulated instrum ents, w ere introduced. The data shar ing m ethod between lo ad contro l and m anagem ent system and e lec tric powerM IS based on ODBC w as g iven in this paper. M aster sta tion used e lectr ic pow erM IS‘ IP address and ex changed data by firew a ll and issuedWEB in fo rm ation through e lectr ic power M IS system. Th is m ethod is sim ple and h igh in security. M ore than tw o years of ac tua l applications prov e this system s’ adv ancem ent and practica lity.


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作者简介: 苏建元( 1965-) , 副教授, 主要从事智能控制、智能仪表与自动化装置等方面的教学与研究. E-m ail:su jy118@ s ina. com
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-29