[1]甘灵,冯翔,张超,等.基于ArcGIS Engine的数字农业园区空间分析开发[J].南京师范大学学报(工程技术版),2006,06(03):086-89.
 GAN Ling,FEN Xiang,ZHANG Chao.Development and Spatial Analysis of Digital Agriculture Garden Based on ArcGIS Engine[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2006,06(03):086-89.

基于ArcGIS Engine的数字农业园区空间分析开发




Development and Spatial Analysis of Digital Agriculture Garden Based on ArcGIS Engine
华东师范大学地理信息科学教育部重点实验室, 上海200062
Education Ministry’s Key Lab of Geographic Information Science,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200062,China
组件式GIS技术 ArcGISEngine 空间分析
embeded-GIS arcGIS eng ine spatial ana ly sis
在介绍组件式G IS技术,ArcG IS Engine及G IS空间分析技术的基础上,结合数字农业相关项目,以ArcG IS Engine为开发平台对常用的G IS空间分析之一的缓冲功能为例进行二次开发.通过基本功能及界面设计、具体功能设计与开发等的详细说明及代码展示,介绍了空间分析二次开发过程.并对ArcMap缓冲功能进行了一定程度上的深化,说明了基于Arc-G IS Engine技术开发较高级G IS功能的丰富性与高效性.
Based on the techn ique and theory o fEm beded- GIS, ArcGIS Eng ine and GIS Spatia lAnalysis, in comb-i nation w ith the d ig ita l agr iculture pro ject, and w ith A rcGIS Eng ine as its p la tform, the paper develops buffer ing function, one o fG IS spatial ana lyst functions. Then it exp la ins the developing process by in troduc ing basic function, page design, deta iled function design and dev elopment. Furthermo re, the paper deepens buffer ing function in A rcM ap, and show s abundance and efficiency o f Deve lop ing G IS Spatia l Ana lys is by app ly ing ArcG IS Eng ine.


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基金项目: 上海市科技厅自然科学基金资助项目( 03DZ19301) .
作者简介: 甘  灵( 1982-) , 女, 硕士生研究生, 主要从事城市地理与G IS等方面的学习和研究. E-m ail: linggan107@ tom. com
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-29