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Preparation and Fabric Analysis of Particle Reinforced Al Composites
宋永刚1 3 郑 晶2 谭梅凤3
1. 装甲兵工程学院技术保障工程系, 北京100072; 2. 西北有色金属研究院, 陕西西安710016;
3. 解放军总装备部汽车试验场, 江苏南京210028
SONG Yonggang 1 3 ZHENG Jing 2 TAN Meifeng 3
1. Departm en t of Techn ical Support Eng ineering, A cadem y ofA rm ored Force Engin eering, Bei jing 100072, Ch ina;
2. Northw est Inst itu te forN on ferrousM etal Research, X i’ an 710016, Ch in a;
3. Autom ob ile Proving G round, Gen eral Arm am en t of PLA, Nan jing 210028, Ch in a
流体力学 金属基复合材料 断裂 熔渗 颗粒增强
hydrom echan ics m e tal ma tr ix com po sites fracture infiltra tion pa rtic le re in fo rced
应用流体力学和拉普拉斯方程的基本原理建立压力熔渗法制备颗粒增强金属基复合材料的熔渗模型;讨论在制备复合材料过程中颗粒与金属基体之间的润湿性、温度控制以及压力等因素对制备工艺的影响.结合A l/S i复合材料压力熔渗法制备工艺,通过理论计算与实际实验相结合,确定了制备工艺的参数,制备的复合材料内的自由孔隙和硅颗粒的分布均匀,基体中的共晶组织可依附在颗粒表面形核生长.同时研究了A l/S i复合材料的特性和断裂行为,通过金相组织分析和断口观察表明,复合材料的断裂行为主要是由于硅颗粒的脆裂性引起的,并且由此向材料内部延伸,最后导致复合材料断裂失效.
Infiltration pressurem ode ls fabrica tingMMC by the squeeze in filtration m ethod are established accord ing to the basic pr inc iple o f hydromechan ics and Lap lace equation. Such facto rs a re discussed as the we t-ab ility betw een particle and the m eta l sy stem, the control of the in filtration tem pera ture and the pressure to hav e influence on the techno log ica l process for preparation. A ccording to the h igh re info rced con tent A l/Si composites fabr icated by pressure infiltration techno logy, theo ry concerned and the expe rim en tation, the param eters fo r techn ica l preparation a re worked out. The composites fabr icated hav e un iform m icrostructures, and the eutec tic structures in them atr ix can be attached to surface o f the particle to nuc leate and grow. The composites a re free o f porosity and s ilicon partic les distributed un iform ly in the com pos ites. The prope rties of com pos ites and the fracture behav io r of the composites are stud ied. From the ana ly sis o fm eta llu rg ica l structure and the fracture, it fo llow s that the composites frac ture a ttr ibute to the br ittle s i-l icon and w ill extend to the composites inw ard.


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作者简介: 宋永刚( 1977-) , 硕士研究生, 工程师, 主要从事智能材料的研究与应用. E-m ail:isygang@ sin a. com
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-29