[1]赵孝保,刘志刚,李 蓓.微管内流动与换热实验研究与分析[J].南京师范大学学报(工程技术版),2007,07(01):027-31.
 Zhao Xiaobao,Liu Zhigang,Li Bei.Experimental Study and Analysis About Flow and Heat Transfer in Micro-tubes[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2007,07(01):027-31.





Experimental Study and Analysis About Flow and Heat Transfer in Micro-tubes
赵孝保1 刘志刚2 李 蓓1
1. 南京师范大学动力工程学院, 江苏南京210042; 2. 山东省科学院能源研究所, 山东济南250014
Zhao Xiaobao1Liu Zhigang2Li Bei1
1.School of Power Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China;2.Energy Research Institute of Shandong Academy of Sciences,Jinan 250014,China
微管 摩擦系数 努谢尔特数
m icro- tube friction facto r Nusse lt number
采用不同压力下的水蒸汽来加热微管, 蒸馏水流过内径分别为215μm、322μm、530μm及765μm微管, 实验同时测量了微管两端的压力降及流量. 实验得到了R e数在100 ~ 7 000 之间变化时的摩擦阻力系数f 及Nu 数, 并与经典的流动阻力系数及经典层流、过渡流及紊流换热准则方程式进行了对比. 实验结果表明, 在R e 数较低时, 微管内部f 值与经典的理论值基本相等, 微管内部的Nu 数略低于常规经典的换热准则方程式的解; 在R e 数增加到1 800 ~ 2 000时, f 值偏离经典的层流解, 但微管内的Nu 数与过渡流准则方程式的解基本一致; 当R e数增加到3 000~ 7 000左右时, f 值达到或接近勃拉修斯解, 管内部换热的Nu 数达到常规尺度下的紊流换热方程式的解.
The steam w ith different pressures w ere used as hea ting sources to hea t the m icro-tubes and the d istilled w ate r, used as the w ork ing flu id, flow ed through m icro- tubes w ith inner d iam eters of 215μm, 322 μm, 530 μm and 765 μm, respective ly. A t the sam e tim e, pressure drops and flow rates in m icro- tubesw ere experim enta lly m easured. A s the Reyno lds num ber v aried in the range from 100 up to 7 000 in the expe rim en ts and the friction fac to r and the Nusselt number were obta ined correspond ing ly. The exper imenta l resu lts w ere com pared w ith the classical flow theories and the c lassica l convective hea t transfe r co rre lations in lam inar, transitiona l and turbu lent reg im es for conventional tubes. The compared resu lts indicated that the va lues o f the friction facto rs in m icro-tubes we re in rough agreem en tw ith those of the Po iseu ille equations and theNusselt num berw ere slightly less than those of the c lassica l lam -i nar hea t transfer correlations at a low Reynolds number. As Reyno lds numberw as la rger than 1 800~ 2 000, the va-l ues o f the fr iction facto r departs from those o f the Po iseu ille equations and theNusselt num be r reached the va lues o f the transitiona l heat transfer co rre lations. The va lues of the fr iction factors w ere approx im ate ly equa l to or near tho se of the B lassius equation and the Nusse lt numbers w ere larger than those of the c lassical turbu lent corre lations w hen Reyno lds num be r reached 3 000~ 7 000.


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基金项目: 江苏省自然科学基金( BK2006222)资助项目.
作者简介: 赵孝保( 1962-) , 教授, 博士, 主要从事传热强化及节能技术、热管技术、汽液两相流动与传热等方面的教学与研究.E-m ail:zhao@ n jnu. edu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-29