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Photocatalytic Degradation of Phenol in Waste Water Using Supported Titanium Dioxide on Activated Carbon Fibre
贾国正1 2 张林生2 王力友1 张显球1
1. 南京师范大学动力工程学院, 江苏南京210042; 2. 东南大学环境工程系, 江苏南京210096
Jia Guozheng12Zhang Linsheng2Wang Liyou1Zhang Xianqiu1
1.School of Power Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China;2.Department of Environmental Engineering,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China
二氧化钛 活性炭纤维 光催化 苯酚
titan ium d iox ide film activ ated carbon fibre photoca talysis pheno l
以硫酸钛为原料,通过水解法在活性炭纤维(ACF)上制备了二氧化钛(TiO2)薄膜.以主波长为254 nm的紫外灯作为光源,利用所制的TiO2光催化降解40 mg/L的苯酚溶液,考察了不同条件下苯酚的去除效果、ACF吸附性能及TiO2/ACF的光催化活性.结果表明:TiO2/ACF光催化降解苯酚适宜在中性溶液中进行;随着光照强度的增加,苯酚去除率增大;当溶液pH=7.5,苯酚浓度为40 mg/L,紫外灯光照强度为1.75W/L时,TiO2/ACF光催化降解苯酚4h后,苯酚去除率可达88.2%.溶液中加入H2O2有利于苯酚的降解去除.
T iO2 film w as prepared on activa ted carbon fibre by hydro lysis techn ique, using su lphate titan ium as star-t ing m ate ria,l and 254 nm UV-ray as the light sources, and aqueous pheno l so lution of 40m g /L was photoca talytic decomposed ov erT iO2 film, then the rem ova l rate o f pheno l was analyzed. The photodeg rada tion behav ior of T iO2 /ACF and the sorption of ACF w as investigated in aqueous so lution us ing pheno l as a ta rget po llutant. The resu lt show ed tha t the optim a l pho to ca talytic degradation o f phenol w as ach ieved under the condition o f pH = 7~ 8, and percentage o f decom posed pheno l increased w ith increased intensity o fUV- ray. It was found that theT iO2 film exh ibited a deg radation effic iency o f 88.2% for pheno l after 4 h, w ith the cond ition o f pH = 7.5, the concentration of pheno l 40 m g /L, and pow er of u ltrav io le t light 11 75W /L. It w as e ffective to put H2O2 into so lution.


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作者简介: 贾国正( 1976-) , 讲师, 主要从事水处理技术的教学与研究. E-ma il:jjin an0510@ 163. com
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-29