[1]叶爱英,张培培,姚 成.植物油沥青中总甾醇的分析[J].南京师范大学学报(工程技术版),2007,07(02):045-48.
 Ye Aiying,Zhang Peipei,Yao Cheng.Determination of Total Sterol in Plant Oil Pitch[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2007,07(02):045-48.





Determination of Total Sterol in Plant Oil Pitch
叶爱英1 张培培2 姚 成2
1. 常州工程职业技术学院应用化学技术系, 江苏常州213164; 2. 南京工业大学理学院, 江苏南京210009
Ye Aiying1Zhang Peipei 2Yao Cheng2
1.Department of Applied Chemistry,Changzhou Institute of Engineering Technology,Changzhou 213164,China;2.College of Sciences,Nanjing University of Technology,Nanjing 210009,China
植物油沥青 分光光度法 甾醇 甾醇酯
p lant o il pitch spectrophotom e try stero l phy to ste ro l este rs
采用改进的Lieberman-Burchard比色法,建立了测定植物油沥青中总甾醇含量的方法.采用不加显色剂的样品溶液作空白,甾醇含量在0.034~0.344 mg/mL范围内服从比耳定律,线性良好.测得植物油沥青中总甾醇含量在12.1%左右,提取物中总甾醇含量为74.5%左右.标准偏差s=0.060 3%,样品回收率在94.8%~98.1%之间.该法操作简单,检验费用低,显色反应明显,并且能稳定0.5 h,适于企业化验室操作,能对植物油沥青中高附加值组分的开发应用提供参考.
The determ ination o f to ta l stero l content in p lant o il pitch w as studied by improved Lieberm an-Burchard co ler ime try. The sam ple so lution w ithout chrom ogenic agent w as used as the blank so lution, and the stero l content obeyed L ieberm an-Burchard law in the range o f 0. 034~ 0. 344 mg /mL w ith good linear ity. The to ta l content o f stero l in plant oil pitch w as abou t 12.1% and in the ex traction the content of stero l w as abou t 74.5%. The SD was 0.0603%; the sam ple recovery ra tew as betw een 94.8% and 98. 1%. Th ism ethod w as s imp le and the detec tion was co sts low. The color reaction was distinc t, and co lo r stab iliza tion tim e was 015 hour. Them ethod wou ld be suitable for corporations. laboratory, and offers it im po rtant re ference for the application o f high-va lue com ponents in the p itch.


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基金项目: 江苏省农业科技攻关重大课题( BE2006322 )资助项目.
作者简介: 叶爱英( 1971-) , 女, 助教, 主要从事天然产物分析和分离的教学与研究. E-m ail:ayye@ em a il.czie. net
通讯联系人: 姚 成( 1961-) , 教授, 博士生导师, 主要从事分析和合成的教学与研究. E-m ail:yaocheng@ n ju t. edu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-29