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Application of Fuzzy Matter-Element Model to the Water Environmental Bearing Capacity
姚玉鑫1 张 英1 鲁斌礼1 金新华1 任立民1 潘建民2 徐兆辉2
1. 湖州市环境保护监测中心站, 浙江湖州313000; 2. 湖州市环境保护局, 浙江湖州313000
Yao Yuxin1Zhang Ying1Lu Binli1Jin Xinhua1Ren Limin1Pan Jianmin2Xu Zhaohui2
1.Huzhou Environment Protection Monitoring Station,Huzhou 313000,China;2.Huzhou Environment Protection Bureau,Huzhou 313000,China
水环境承载力 模糊物元 欧氏贴近度 层次分析法
the bear ing capac ity of w ate r env ironm ent fuzzy ma tter-e lem ent m ode l euclid appro ach deg ree AHP m ethod
In o rder to eva luate the bear ing capacity of wa ter env ironm ent in H uzhou, th is paper introduces fuzzym a-t ter-e lem ent m ode l and AH P m ethod, com bines w ith the concept of Euc lid approach deg ree, regarding thew ater env-i ronm ent as the object o fm atter e lements and the eva luation factors as character, and constructs the compound fuzzy m atter elem ent. Based on the stat datum ofH uzhou, this paper constitutes the ev aluation index system and ana lyzes thew ater env ironm enta l bearing capac ity trend o fH uzhou, then elicits that the w ater env ironmenta l bear ing capac ity ofH uzhou still has a gap from that o f the zoo logy c ity ob jective. Com pa red to othe rm ethod, it can be conc luded tha t the application o f fuzzy m atter- elem entm ode lm ethod for eva luating reg ion w ater env ironm ent is feasible and re liab le.


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作者简介: 姚玉鑫( 1967-) , 高级工程师, 主要从事环境污染控制和环境监测的研究. E-m ail:yaoyx16@ yah oo. com. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-29