 Li Chuantong,Wei Rongzhang.Experimental Study on Use of Treated Domestic Sewage as Criculating Coling Water in Power Plant[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2007,07(03):030-34.





Experimental Study on Use of Treated Domestic Sewage as Criculating Coling Water in Power Plant
李传统1 卫荣章2
1. 南京师范大学动力工程学院, 江苏南京210042; 2. 上海大屯能源股份有限公司发电厂, 江苏徐州221618
Li Chuantong1Wei Rongzhang2
1.School of Power Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China;2.Datun Coal & Electricity Company,Xuzhou 221618,China
生活污水 火电厂 循环冷却水 水处理 优化
dom estic sew age pow er plant c irculating cooling wa ter wa ter treatm ent op tim ization
生活污水处理以后,仍具有含氨量、微生物、悬浮物均较高的特点,如果直接用作火电厂循环冷却水,将会因藻类骤生增加冷凝器水侧热阻,降低机组运行的热经济性.对中水作为火电厂循环冷却水的合理处理方法与工艺流程进行了研究,对影响中水作为火电厂循环冷却水的因素进行了分析和优化,使中水在2台12 MW的燃煤机组上进行了工业性试验研究,经过2年多的连续运行表明,在每周投胶球1次的情况下,冷凝器端差常年保持小于5℃,在环境温度38℃时,仍能使排汽温度不超过45℃.运行结果表明,生活污水经过合理的处理和工艺优化以后,完全能够满足火电厂循环冷却水的要求,不仅降低了火电厂循环冷却水的取水费用,而且减少了生活污水对环境的污染.
After routine physical treatm ent, the dom estic sew age still conta ins ammon ias, m icrobes and suspended m atters. If used d irectly as the circu la ting coo ling w ater in pow er p lant, it w ill resu lts in the corro sion o f heat exchange surface in condenser, and the heat resistancew ill increase on w ater side due to a lgae g row th so as to influence the therma l econom y o f the units. In this paper, stud ied are the reasonable treatm ent m ethod and pro cess o f the dom estic sew ag e as c irculation coo ling wa ter, and the influence factors a re analyzed and optim ized. The industria l exper im ent on use o f dom estic sewage as c irculating coo ling w ate r is conducted in the tw o 12MW coa-l fired flu id izedbed units, and the two yea r continuous operation indicates tha t th is techno logy features env ironm en tal pro tection and h igh econom y. By using the rubber ba lls c leaning once a w eek, the ends tem pe rature d iffe rence o f condenser is kept less than 5℃ , and even at the env ironm enta l temperature o f 38 ℃ , the temperature o f exhaust steam neve r exceeds 45℃ . The expe rim ental resu lts show tha t the dom estic sew age can m eet the dem ands o f circu lating coo ling wa ter a fter reasonable treatm ent and pro cess optim iza tion, and it no t on ly reduces the w ater fees but a lso con tributes to the improvem en t of Ch ina’ s env ironm enta l pro tection


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基金项目: 南京师范大学人才引进科研基金( 2002DLYXGQ2B07)资助项目
作者简介: 李传统( 1954-) , 教授, 主要从事新能源与可再生能源的教学与研究. E-m ail:lict2003@ hotm ai.l com
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-06-04