[1]荣 耀,王建东,瞿静文.基于PI3000平台的县级电网设备检修工作流系统[J].南京师范大学学报(工程技术版),2007,07(04):067-71.
 Rong Yao,Wang Jiandong,et al.Equipment Maintenance Workflow System of County Power Network Based on PI3000 Platform[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2007,07(04):067-71.





Equipment Maintenance Workflow System of County Power Network Based on PI3000 Platform
荣 耀1 2 王建东2 瞿静文3
1. 南京师范大学中北学院, 江苏南京210046; 2. 南京航空航天大学信息科学与技术学院, 江苏南京210016; 3. 南京电力自动化研究院, 江苏南京210003
Rong Yao12Wang Jiandong2Qu Jingwen3
1.College of Zhongbei,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China;2.College of Information Science and Technology,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016,China;3.Nanjing Electric Power Automation Research Institute,Nanjing 210003,China
设备检修 动态建模 工作流 安全控制 并发访问控制 细粒度数据描述 无刷新客户界面
equ ipm ent m a intenance dynam ic m ode ling w ork flow secur ity contro l concurrency access control fine granular data descr iption non- re fresh client inter face
To im provem anagement effic iency o fm a intenance tasks o f county pow er netw ork equipm ents, reduce error rate, and guarantee the pow er ne tw ork‘s re liab ly and effic ient operation, an equipm ent m ain tenance workflow system for county pow er netw ork based on PI3000 platfo rm is designed. The platfo rm is used in the system for dynam icm odeling of object, process, and security, to so lve the prob lem o f concu rrency contro l o f the object o fm a intenance wo rkflow, XML is used for fine granular da ta descr iption, and the PI3000 A JAX framewo rk is used to im plem ent non- refresh c lient interface. The system has been app lied to the DM IS pro ject in Jiangsu Prov ince and som e o ther DM IS projects. Practice show s that the system sa tisfactor ily m eets larg e vo lum e data and comp lex business processing of pow er netw ork equ ipm ent m anagem ent and runs very we ll.


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作者简介: 荣 耀( 1971-) , 讲师, 博士研究生, 主要从事软件架构和软件工程等方面的教学与研究. E-m ail:royal@l royaloo. com
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-29