 Wang Dongxin.Determination of Phthalic Esters in Different Waters by Hollow Fiber Membrane Liquid Phase Microextraction Coupled With Gas Chromatography[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2008,08(03):043-46.





Determination of Phthalic Esters in Different Waters by Hollow Fiber Membrane Liquid Phase Microextraction Coupled With Gas Chromatography
南京师范大学化学与环境科学学院, 江苏南京210097
Wang Dongxin
School of Chemistry and Environmental Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
中空纤维膜 液相微萃取 酞酸酯 气相色谱
ho llow fiberm embrane liqu id phase m icroex traction phthalic este rs gas chrom atography
以中空纤维膜液相微萃取方法从水体样品中萃取了4种酞酸酯类化合物,结合气相色谱对样品进行分析.萃取中采用甲苯为萃取剂,被萃取溶液中磁子的搅拌速度为600 r/m in或更高,萃取的时间为50 m in.根据测定的结果推算出该条件之下的液相微萃取的富集倍数是19.8~221.同时确定了该方法测定酞酸酯的线性范围为10~200μg/L,检出限是0.07~0.81μg/L,用RSD表示的重现性是6.8%~9.3%,回收率为92%~106.9%.将此方法应用于取自某湖泊、某河流等体系的水样,结果表明:湖水样品中酞酸二乙酯与酞酸二丁酯分别为10.2 和9.5 μ g /L.
4 k inds of phthalic esters w ere extracted by using ho llow fiberm embrane liquidm icroex traction and the ir samp les were ana lyzed by com bin ingw ith gas chrom atography. The ex traction solven tw as to luene, and the stirrer speed w as 600 r /m in orm ore, and the ex traction time was 50m in. The en richm ent factor ca lcu la ted according to ana lys is results rang ed from 19.8~ 221. The linear range for the de term ination o f PAEs w as 10~ 200μ g /L. The lim its o f detec tion were 0.07~ 0.81 μ g /L. The RSD of the determ ination was 6.8% ~ 9.3%. The recove ries w ere in the range of 92% ~ 106.9%. Th is me thod w as app lied to different wa ters. The resu lts show ed that the concentration of DEP in the lake sam plew as 9.2μ g /L, 6.4 μ g /L o f DHEP in the river sam ple and the concentrations o f DEP and DBP w ere 10.2 μg /L and 9.5 μ g /L respective ly in the sam ple from the campus pond wa ter


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通讯联系人: 王东新, 副教授, 研究方向: 色谱分析. E-m ail:w angdongxin@ n jnu. edu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-24