 Xu Yan,Sun Yan.Spatio-Temporal Data Aggregation Query Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2008,08(04):039-42.





Spatio-Temporal Data Aggregation Query Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks
南京师范大学数学与计算机科学学院, 江苏南京210097
Xu YanSun Yan
School of Mathematics and Computer Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
无线传感器网络 时空 数据聚集 W SNB-TREE
w ire less sensor network spatio- tem po ra l data aggrega tion WSNB-TREE
In th is paper, based-on attr ibute- cluster, a new spatio- tem po ra l data aggregation query algor ithm is proposed. Da ta agg regation uses c luste rs asW SNB-TREE’s storage object. Areas wh ich are covered by w ire less sensor network are d iv ided into attr ibute- clusters. The data of the homogene ity sensors are easy to do rea-l time statistics and segm enta l query. Areas wh ich a con firm ed in advance are div ided into a few data aggreg ation c lusters, then the da ta o f the he terogene-i ty sensors a re aggreg ated. H ence, less tim e is taken to filter out the even ts wh ich a re needed to be quer ied, and then spa tio-tempora l data aggrega tion que ries are conducted in the who le netwo rk.


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通讯联系人: 孙 燕, 副教授, 研究方向: 分布式网络和智能主体. E-m ail:sunyan@ n jnu. edu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-24