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A Novel Individualized V ideo Search Rank ing Algorithm
 李 慧 李存华 王 霞
 淮海工学院计算机工程学院, 江苏连云港222002
L iH ui L iCunhua W ang X ia
Dep artm en t of Com puter Scien ce, Hu aihai Inst itute of Techno logy, L ianyungang 222005, Ch ina
 协同过滤 推荐 视频搜索 个性化
co llaborativ e filte ring recomm ender V ideo search indiv iduation
视频搜索是目前信息检索领域研究的热点. 提出一种利用协同过滤技术来实现个性化的视频搜索. 该算法根据用户项目兴趣相似度来计算目标项目的得分, 从而为每个用户产生一个推荐列表. 实验结果表明该排名算法较IMDB搜索和Google 搜索的结果在用户满意度上有很明显的提高.
V ideo search is a hotspot in curren t inform ation search ing fie ld. The paper presents a new v ideo search by us ing co llabo ra tive filtering technique to rea lize indiv iduality. The algor ithm com putes the sco res o f the target item s according to the sim ilarity deg ree o f the item s in wh ich the users are interested, and thus generates a recomm endation list for every use r. The experim enta l results show that com pared w ith IMDB sea rch and Goog le sea rch, our a lgo rithm can obta in better rank resu lts and im prove user’ s sa tisfaction high ly.


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 通讯联系人: 李 慧, 硕士研究生, 研究方向: 数据挖掘、智能信息系统. E-m ial:shu fan zs@ 126. com
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-07-22