 Zhang Chuanyan,Wang Zijie.Thermal Comfort Index Computing Based on BP Neural Networks[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2009,09(01):044-48.





Thermal Comfort Index Computing Based on BP Neural Networks
南京师范大学动力工程学院, 江苏南京210042
Zhang ChuanyanWang Zijie
School of Power Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
热舒适 PMV指标 神经网络
therm a l com fort PMV index neura l netwo rks
Human‘ s com for t has a com plicated non- linea r re la tion w ith its influenc ing factors. S ince the artificia l neural netwo rks can reflec t the non- linearm apping re lation, the neura l networks can be used to com pute the com fort index. The BP neura l ne tw orks are simp ly introduced in this paper and a 3- layers BP neural netwo rk is established to compute the com fort PMV index. The Fang er fo rmu la is used to ca lcu la te the expected outpu t va lues of the input samp les and the ne-t w ork is trained by the input sam ples and the expected output va lues. The tra ined neura l netwo rks that have ach ieved the requested error are used to com pute the PMV index. The ave rage dev ia tion between the result from the non-tra ined samp les ’and the resu lt from the Fang er fo rmu la is 0. 026 and them ax imum dev iation is 0. 113. A ll the computing e rrors are w ith in the requested scope o f eng ineering app lication


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基金项目: 南京师范大学“211”工程(K11330CY75)资助项目通讯联系人: 王子介, 教授, 研究方向: 建筑节能. E-mail:wzj_njnu@263. net
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-23