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Analysis of VO2 Phase Transitions of V-P-Fe in C.T.RS
孙 健1 甘朝钦2 刘 英3 吴宗汉2
1. 南京师范大学电气与自动化工程学院, 江苏南京210042;
2. 东南大学物理系, 江苏南京210096;
3. 江苏兴顺电子元件厂, 江苏扬州225700
Sun Jian1Gan Chaoqin2Liu Yin3Wu Zonghan2
1.School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China;2.Department of Physics,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China;3.Jiangsu Xingshun Electronics Device Ltd,Yangzhou 225700,China
CTR P2O 5 Fe2O 3 VO 2 相变
CTR P2O 5 Fe2O 3 VO 2 phase chang e
实验表明,在氧化钒中掺杂不同的物质与不同的比例制作的邻界热敏电阻CTR(Critical Temperature Resister)样品的VO 2相变点得到了提高,发生了偏移,这种偏移与掺杂成份与比例有一定的关系.根据样品对应的热谱图,从样品成份中VO 2、Fe2O 3、P2O 5微观结构分析各成份所起的作用.设计制作3种掺杂比例不同的样品,比较其不同组份相变点的偏移.此方案得出,在制作邻界热敏电阻CTR时各组份相互牵制相互影响的关系.VO2的相对量与相变点温度成正比关系;P2O 5的相对量影响VO 2微晶的稳定,也会影响Fe2O 3的变价和电子的传导,从而影响VO 2的相变;Fe2O 3的量与VO 2导体性能成正比关系,相对量大,相变点温度将降低.
The exper im ent show s that VO2 phrase transition po ints of CTR( Cr itica lTemperature Resister) samp les produced by Vanadium ox ide doped in d iffe rent m ate rials w ith diffe rent propo rtions have been ra ised, and excursion occurred, and th is ex cursion is re lated to the doped e lem ents and the ir propor tions. Acco rd ing to the therm al spec trum corresponded to by the sam ple , d ifferen t ro les p layed by the elem ents a re ana lyzed from the m icro- structures of VO 2, Fe2O 3, P2O 5 in sam ple e lem ents. Components from sam ple analysis of the com ponen ts of the ro le o .f Design ra tio o f Three sam ples w ith d ifferent doped proportions are des igned and produced, and the ex cursions o f phase transition po in ts in the ir d iffe rent groups are compared. It follow s from this program that in the produc tion o f therm isto rCTR, each g roup has mutual in fluence on each other. The relative am ount o f VO 2 phase trans ition tem pera ture is d irec tly proportiona l to the re la tionsh ip; the re lative vo lum e o f P2O 5 has the im pact on VO 2 M icrocrysta lline stab ility, and also on the pr ice o f Fe2O 3 and e lectron ic conduction, thus affec ting the phase- change ofVO2; the volum e o f Fe2O 3 is directly propo rtional to conduc tiv ity of VO 2, .i e. , the large r the re la tive ly amount, the low er the phase transition tem pera ture.


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基金项目: 国家自然科学基金( 2005111GZ3B341)资助项目.
通讯联系人: 孙 健, 副教授, 研究方向: 传感器元件的研究与开发. E-m ail:sun jian@ n jnu. edu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-23