 Jia Guozheng,Zhang Yong,Zhang Xianqiu,et al.Dynamic Experimental Research on Photocatalytic Degradation of Phenol in Waste Water Using TiO2/ACF[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2009,09(02):052-55.





Dynamic Experimental Research on Photocatalytic Degradation of Phenol in Waste Water Using TiO2/ACF
南京师范大学动力工程学院, 江苏南京210042
Jia GuozhengZhang YongZhang XianqiuChu Feifei
School of Power Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
二氧化钛 活性炭纤维(ACF) 光催化反应器 苯酚
titan ium diox ide film ( TiO2 ) ac tivated ca rbon fibre( ACF) pho to ca talytic reactor pheno l
利用TiO 2/ACF,以主波长为254 nm的紫外灯为光源,光催化氧化反应器内的苯酚溶液,考察了动态条件下苯酚的去除效果.结果表明:设计、制作的光催化氧化反应器优化了水力条件,强化了光源利用;在动态条件下,TiO2/ACF光催化氧化去除苯酚主要影响因素有溶液pH、光强、废水流速、水力停留时间(HRT)、通氧条件等.在苯酚初始浓度为40 mg/L,废水pH=7.5,反应器内紫外灯光强为1.75 W/L,起搅拌、充氧作用的空气量Q=2.6 mL/(min.L),苯酚废水流量为0.05 L/min,即废水在反应器中的HRT约为7.67 h时,苯酚去除率可达91%,COD去除率约为79%.
By mak ing use of titanium d iox ide film and activated carbon fibre ( T iO2 /ACF), 254 nm UV- ray w as used as the light sources to decompose photocata ly tica lly aqueous pheno l so lution of 40m g /L over T iO2 film, thus the pho tocatalytic e ffect of pheno lw as ana lyzed. The result show ed that the designed and m ade pho to ca talytic reacto r optim ized hydrodynam ic conditions w as and streng thened the u tiliza tion of illum inan t, and that under dynam ic cond ition, fivem ain factors tha t impacted pho to ca talytic degradation e ffects of TiO2 /ACF were stud ied, nam e ly, pH, pow er of u ltrav io let, ve lo city o f w ater wa ter, HRT, and concentra tion of oxygen. It was found that the T iO2 film exh ib ited a degrada tion e ffic iency of 91% for pheno land a remova l rate o f 79% for COD after 7. 67 h, w hile the condition of pH = 7. 5, the concentration o f pheno l is 40m g /L, pow er of u ltrav iolet light is 1. 75W /L, and a ir quantity is 2. 6 mL/ ( m in? L) .


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基金项目: 江苏省环境工程重点实验室开放基金( KF2008005)资助项目.
通讯联系人: 贾国正, 讲师, 研究方向: 水处理技术. E-m ail:jjinan0510@ 163. com
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-23