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An Application of Lock-in Amplifier to Eliminate the Power Line Interference in EEG
南京大学生物医学电子学研究所, 江苏南京210093
Shao YiTong TangjiZhan QingboChen Ying
Institute of Biomedical Engineering,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210093,China
锁定放大器 去噪 脑电 工频干扰 反馈
lock- in am plifier deno ising EEG pow er- line frequency interference feedback
介绍了一种新型的去除工频干扰的方法.算法的主要思想源于硬件电路中的锁定放大器,它能精确地检验出信号中工频干扰的幅度、频率和相位并重构出干扰信号,将原始信号减去重构出的干扰信号即能得到正确的低噪信号.算法继承了锁定放大器出色的抗干扰能力.用一段采样频率为200 Hz的单导联脑电(EEG)数据测试算法,在其中添加了幅度、频率和相位在一定范围随机变化的噪声信号,最终得到的还原波形与原波形基本一样.还原波形与污染波形相比,信噪比提高了约30 dB,取得了令人满意的效果.
Th is paper introduces a new type o f pow er- line inter fe rence rem ova lme thod, the ma in idea o f the algor ithm is der ived from the lock- in am plifier in ha rdw are c ircu it, w hich can accurate ly test the amp litude, frequency and phase o f pow er- line interfe rence in the signa ls, and ga in the co rrec t low-no ise signa l through subtracting the reconstruc ted interference signal from the or ig ina l signa .l Th is algorithm inher its the exce llent ant-i in terference ab ility of lo ck- in amp lifier. Th is a lgor ithm has been tested in an experim ent, in wh ich w e used a period of sing le- lead EEG data of 200H z samp ling frequency. W e added the data w ith no ise s igna l w hose amp litude, frequency and phase varied random ly in a certa in rang e. The restored w ave fo rm we finally obta ined is almost the same as the o rig inal w ave form. And com pared w ith the po llution w ave fo rm, SNR o f the resto red waveform im proves about 30 dB. The resu lts are satisfac to ry.


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基金项目: 国家自然科学基金( 60701002)资助项目.
通讯联系人: 陈 颖, 博士后, 副教授, 研究方向: 生物医学信号处理与生物电子学. E-m ail:cheny ing. nju@ gm ail.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-23