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Design of a Software of Fast Solar Calibration Used for Weather Radar
王 婷1 吴 宁1 洪佳洁1 吴 雷2
1. 南京航空航天大学信息科学与技术学院, 江苏南京210016;
2. 安徽四创电子股份有限公司, 安徽合肥230088
Wang Ting1Wu Ning1Hong Jiajie1Wu Lei2
1.College of Information Technology Science,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016,China;2.Anhui Sun Create Electronics Co.,Ltd,Hefei 230088,China
气象雷达 太阳法标定 L inux平台
w eather rada r so lar ca libra tion linux OS
针对气象雷达天线电轴的标定问题,在研究以太阳为参照物标定雷达天线指向方法的基础上,以L inux平台设计实现了太阳法标定软件.软件设计主要从两方面缩短标定时间:利用雷达天线的高精度定位特性,通过预设天线的扫描区域以缩小扫描范围,从而缩短雷达搜索太阳位置耗费的时间;通过socket网络编程接口开发实现软件与雷达前端系统的数据传输,利用多线程机制以及UDP通信协议提高数据收发的实时性.运行结果表明该软件能够快速准确的完成对气象雷达天线的标定,并且在搜索太阳信号的过程中不需要人工干预,实现全自动搜索.
The so ftwa re designed in th is pape r is used to ca librate the po inting accuracy of the w eather radar antenna, and is app licab le to the radar w ith h igh prec ision in an tenna pos itioning. Th is m ethod takes the sun as the re ference object. The tim e o f ca libra ting is sho rtened in tw ow ays. The scann ing scope o f the weather radar is narrow ed by setting the location of the rada r antennaw ith theoretical pos ition o f the sun prev iously to shorten the search ing time. The rea-l tim e data transm iss ion betw een radar front-end system and the so ftw are is accomp lished by us ing UDP m ulticast m ode and mu ltith reading mechan ism. The so ftwa re is developed in Eclipse IDE w ith Q t based on the L inux OS. The test results showed that the so ftw are m eets the expected requ irem ents. It can search the sun no ise signal autom atically.


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通讯联系人: 吴 宁, 教授, 博士生导师, 研究方向: 电子系统集成与专用集成电路设计. E-m ail:w unee@ nuaa. edu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-23