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Study on Imidacloprid Wastewater Treatment by Anaerobic Hydrolysis-Pressurized Biological Oxidation Process
张 勇1 王志良2 张林生3 李国新3 乐 昕1 李国平2
1. 南京师范大学环境工程系, 江苏南京210042; 2. 江苏省环境科学研究院, 江苏南京210029;
3. 东南大学环境工程系, 江苏南京210096
Zhang Yong1Wang Zhiliang2Zhang Linsheng3Li Guoxin3Yue Xin1Li Guoping2
1.Department of Environmental Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China;2.Jiangsu Research Institute of Environmental Science,Nanjing 210029,China;3.Department of Environmental Engineering,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China
吡虫啉 厌氧水解 加压生化 组合工艺
im idacloprid anaerob ic hydrolysis pressu rized b io log ical ox idation comb ined process
试验了厌氧与加压好氧组合工艺处理吡虫啉农药废水的性能.研究表明,农药废水与生活污水按8∶2的体积比混合,通过共代谢途径可提高水解效果;加压生化段最佳运行工况为P=0.3MPa,DO=5~6 mg/L,HRT=4.6 h,高含盐量对该组合工艺处理农药废水的效果未形成明显冲击.当要求出水COD较低时,加压生化段容积负荷宜控制在较低水平;当要求反应器具有较高的处理效率时容积负荷可控制在较高的水平.
The capability of im idac loprid w astew ater trea tm en t by com b ined Anne robicH ydro lysis-pressurized b io log ical ox idation pro cess w as studied in th is paper. The stud ies show ed that the hydro lys is e ffect was im proved due to co-m etabo lism by m ix ing pesticide w astewa ter and Sew age in term of a vo lum e ratio as 8B2. The feasib le runn ing param eter o f pressur ized bio log ica l ox ida tion process w as that the pressure am ounted to 01 3MPa, DO w as in scope o f 5 and 6m g /L, and theHRT w as 416 h. The effect of pestic idew astew ater treatment w ou ld not be im pac ted obv iously by the h igh sa lt content. The vo lum e load of pressurized b io log ical ox idation process should be contro lled in a low leve lwhen the effluent COD v alue w as requ ired to be low, as shou ld be contro lled in a high leve l when dea ling effic iency o f the reactor w as requ ired to be h igh.


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基金项目: 江苏省环境科学研究院江苏省环境工程重点实验室开放基金(KF2008005)资助项目.
通讯联系人: 张 勇, 博士, 讲师, 研究方向: 水处理新技术. E-m ail:clszh angyongs@ sina. com
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-23