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 Zhuo Wenqin,Wu Xin,Cong Jun.Experimental Investigation on the Promoting Effect of γ-Fe2O3 on Removing NOX From Flue Gas[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2010,10(01):054-58.

γ-Fe2O 3对SCR DeNO X的促进试验研究




Experimental Investigation on the Promoting Effect of γ-Fe2O3 on Removing NOX From Flue Gas
卓文钦 吴新 丛俊
东南大学能源与环境学院, 江苏南京210096
Zhuo WenqinWu XinCong Jun
School of Energy and Environment,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China
SCR 法烟气脱硝 C-Fe2O 3 催化剂
SCR DeNOX fo r the flue g as γ-Fe2O3 cata ly st
在SCR DeNOX 试验中,研究了在各种催化剂作用下,加入γ-Fe2O 3细颗粒对NOX脱除的促进作用.结果表明,γ-Fe2O 3对SCR DeNO X有一定的促进作用,但对不同的原始催化剂其促进效果不一.用γ-Al2O 3做原始催化剂外加γ-Fe2O 3的促进作用最为明显,最大脱除效率从39.6%提升到55.2%,且最佳反应温度降低了30℃.用γ-Al2O 3作原始催化剂外加γ-Fe2O 3脱硝有一定的现实意义.
The prom oting effect o f γ-Fe2O3on rem ov ing NOX from flue gas was studied w hile using d ifferen t o rig ina l ca-t a lysts in the exper im ent o f SCR DeNOX . The resu lts indicate tha t the prom oting effects of γ-Fe2O3va ry w ith the SCR ca talysts. Wh ile γ-Fe2O3as the or ig ina l cata lyst and γ-Fe2O3as the add itional cata lyst, the prom oting e ffect o f γ-Fe2O3is the m ost visib le and them ax im a lDeNOX effic iency r ises from 391 6% to 5512%, and also the optimum reaction tem pe ra ture reduces by 30e . Us ing γ-Fe2O3as the or ig ina l cata lyst and γ-Fe2O3as the add itiona l ca talyst forDeNO X is feasib le to practice.


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基金项目: 国家973计划项目( 2002CB211600) . 通讯联系人: 吴新, 副教授, 研究方向: 燃烧过程大气污染控制. E-mail:wuxin@ seu. edu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-02