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TiSiW12O40/TiO 2催化合成阻燃剂磷酸三(1-氯-2-丙基)酯




Catalytic Synthesis of Tris(1-Chloro-2-Propyl) Phosphate Flame Retardant by Solid Acid
罗 炜 张士磊 周浩 王丹 杨锦飞
南京师范大学化学与环境科学学院, 江苏南京210097
Luo WeiZhang ShileiZhou HaoWang DanYang Jinfei
School of Chemistry and Environment Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
阻燃剂 磷酸三( 1-氯-2-丙基)酯(TCPP) 合成
flam e re tardant tris( 1-chloro-2-propy l) phospha te( TCPP) synthesis
以三氯氧磷(POCl 3)、环氧丙烷为原料,在自制催化剂TiSiW12O40/TiO 2作用下合成了磷酸三(1-氯-2-丙基)酯(TCPP),考察了反应温度、原料物质的量比、催化剂用量、反应时间等因素对实验结果的影响.确定的最佳工艺条件为:n(POCl3)∶n(环氧丙烷)=1∶3.3,反应温度65℃~75℃,催化剂用量为三氯氧磷质量的1.0%,环氧丙烷的滴加时间约为5 h,产率可达94.8%.
Tris( 1-chloro-2-propy l) phosphate( TCPP) w as synthesized w ith phosphorus oxychlor ide and propy lene epoxide as raw ma teria ls, using T iSWi 12O40 /T iO2 m ade by ourse lves as cata lyst for the reaction. The influences o f reaction tem pe ra ture, the ratio of reactants, the am ount o f cata lyst and reaction tim e w ere stud ied. It was shown that the proper reaction cond itions were: the m olar ratio of propy lene epox ide to phosphorus oxy ch lor ide w as 1B3. 3, reaction temperature w as 65e ) 75e , them ass of cata lyst w as 110% o f phospho rus oxych lo ride, dropw ise tim e o f propy lene ox ide w as 5 h. The y ield o f TCPP w as about 941 8%.


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基金项目: 江苏省科技厅科技攻关项目( BE200750 ) . 通讯联系人: 杨锦飞, 教授, 研究方向: 阻燃剂及药物中间体的合成与应用研究. E-m ail: yangjinfei@ n jnu. edu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-02