 Lu Huali,Wang Ming,Dai Xiajuan,et al.Measurement of Strain Sensing Based on All-Fiber Mach-Zehnder Interferometer[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2010,10(01):085-88.





Measurement of Strain Sensing Based on All-Fiber Mach-Zehnder Interferometer
陆华丽 王鸣 戴霞娟 郭文华
南京师范大学物理科学与技术学院, 江苏南京210046
Lu HualiWang MingDai XiajuanGuo Wenhua
School of Physical Science and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
光学测量 全光纤M achZehnd er干涉仪 微应变传感
optica lm easurem ent a ll fiberM ach Zehnder inte rferom eter stra in sensor
An a ll??fibe rM ach Zehnder interfe rence sy stem w as resea rched and used to m easure the m icro strain. The basic structure and theo ry o fM ach Zehnder in terferencem easurem ent sy stem w ere introduced, and the signa l processing techniquew as d iscussed. Severa l g roups of the inte rference signa ls unde r d iffe rent stra in cond itions w ere m easured through the exper iment, and the data w ere ana lyzed and processed, and the stra in inform ation w as dem odu la ted out o f the in terference s igna ls. The expe rim en t dev ice is uncomp licated and easy to operate. The result of the experim ent prov ed that com pared w ith the sensor exper im ent dev ice, a ll fibe rM ach Zehnder interfe rome ter has higher frequency re  sponse and sens itiv ity.


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通讯联系人: 王 鸣, 教授, 博士生导师, 研究方向: 激光应用与传感. Em ail:wangm ing@ n jnu. edu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-02